19, 20 OR 21 AUGUST ARE KEY DAYS FOR SERBIA! Vučić: I don't know how long I will be there, maybe only half an hour!

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The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, revealed when he will announce the name of the new mandate to the public.

19, 20 OR 21 AUGUST ARE KEY DAYS FOR SERBIA! Vučić: I don't know how long I will be there, maybe only half an hour!

Foto: Tanjug/ RADE PRELIĆ

Aleksandar Vučić predsednik Srbije

Vučić pointed out that he is awaiting talks with the leader of the Socialist Party of Serbia, Ivica Dačić, and that in ten days he will come out with the name of the representative for the new Government.

- Today I have a conversation with Ivica Dačić, a potential coalition partner - the President of Serbia said and continued:

I expect to announce the name of the representative on 19, 20 or possibly 21 August. I don't know how long I will stay in Brussels, I asked Lajčák how long it would take, he told me it would take a long time. But you never know with them, it might be over in half an hour. I do not mean the Western powers, but the Albanian side and Kurti. So, on the 19, 20 or 21, we will know everything about Kosovo and the new mandate - Vučić said.

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