IF THEY DARE TO PERSECUTE SERBS... President Vučić sent a message to Kurti: I am telling you, SERBIA WILL WIN!
Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić pointed out that all our country wants is peace.

Foto: Tanjug/T. Radovanović
The President revealed that the Kosovo authorities led by Albin Kurti intend to start implementing their nefarious plans at midnight, but he emphasised that no one could or would walk all over Serbs and Serbia.
- If they dare to persecute Serbs, mistreat Serbs, Serbia will win! That's all I have to say. I am asking them for peace. I am begging them to keep the peace. If they do not want to preserve the peace, I am telling you Serbia will win - President Vučić said.
He pointed out that our people will never go through the torture that they experienced in the past, both in Kosovo and in the countries of the former Yugoslavia.
- I am asking them not to think that they will be able to commit crimes and humiliate Serbia and the Serbian people. If they think that, I tell you that it will not happen. If they think it is possible to repeat 17 March 2004, if they are thinking of repeating something that happened in other parts of the former Yugoslavia, it will not happen. We just want peace, respect for what was agreed upon, nothing more. This is not a country that you will easily defeat like in the time of Milosević and Tadić - the President of Serbia said.
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