NEBOJŠA, DON'T MAKE ME SPEAK OUT! Dijana threatened Stefanović: If I start talking about love affairs, your will get a headache!

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Dijana Hrkalović commented on the address of the Minister of Defense Nebojša Stefanović.

NEBOJŠA, DON'T MAKE ME SPEAK OUT! Dijana threatened Stefanović: If I start talking about love affairs, your will get a headache!

Foto: Tanjug/ST/N. Mandić

The former Minister of Police, and now the first man of the Serbian army in the technical government, addressed the public on Tuesday, in an attempt to defend himself against the claims of Dijana Hrkalović, and he talked about the love affairs of his former close associate.

Yesterday he had to answer only one question "Did you tap the President's phone?". He talks about my love affairs. We want to know if you tapped the President. Well of course you did. Power went to his head, he thought he was God - Dijana said, and then commented on media speculations that she was in love with Stefanović :

Do I seem in love with him? It would be better for him not to invent anything, because he will get a  headache if I start talking about love affairs - Hrkalović pointed out and then told what kind of torture she suffered from the minister:

- He tells me "Let's go to Budapest for coffee, I feel like havin a cup of coffee there", and I tell him, I can't, I have things to do. He then keeps me with him in his office, while he reads something or talks about the weather, and people are waiting for me at important meetings. He kept telling me how he made me, that I owed him everything, he turned me against my father and brother - Dijana Hrkalović said.

She also spoke about the connection between Nebojša Stefanović and the Šarić drug clan.

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