It's a NOTOROUS LIE, someone misinformed you! President Vučić is clear: We are not selling, we want to buy!
The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, pointed out that the state does not intend to sell the Electric Utility Power Company of Serbia, but on the contrary, it wants to buy the electric power companies of other countries.

Foto: Tanjug/S. AĆIMOVIĆ
Opposition media have been writing for days about the alleged plans of our state to sell the Electric Utility Power Company of Serbia (EPS).
The media owned by tycoon Dragan Šolak are persistently pushing a narrative about how the ground is being prepared for the sale of EPS, and President Aleksandar Vučić firmly denied these allegations.
- That is a notorious lie, I have nothing else to tell you. It's like telling me I have a red jacket, I don't. No one has considered such a possibility. Whoever would do that now would be very stupid because he would work directly against the interests of our country. That was not considered for a single second - said the President of Serbia, answering questions from journalists after the opening of the sector B5 bypass around Belgrade.
He added that Serbia is considering buying other Electric Power Companies from the region.
- Not only are we not selling EPS, but we want to buy and see what is in the region. We are looking to buy something from the power plants of other countries. Someone misinformed someone else here - concluded the President of Serbia.
On this occasion, Vučić also spoke about the increase in salaries and pensions, and he had especially good news for the eldest citizens of Serbia.
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