I WANTED TO, I HAD A 50 PERCENT CHANCE: This is how Vučić made everyone in the studio laugh, the president REVEALED which actress caught his eye!

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The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, during his guest appearance in the "Ami G Show" on TV Pink, revealed the name of the actress who was his celebrity crush when he was young man.

I WANTED TO, I HAD A 50 PERCENT CHANCE: This is how Vučić made everyone in the studio laugh, the president REVEALED which actress caught his eye!

Foto: printscreen

He was talking about Demi Moore.

The president jokingly said that he had a 50 percent chance with the Hollywood diva.

- I wanted to, she didn't even know who I was - Vučić said and made everyone in the studio laugh.

Vučić added with a smile that it was a good choice for him, she only needed to agree to that.

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