ENCHANTING BRUNETTE WHO IS A REAL MYSTERY: Meet Jelena Djoković's SISTER, what she does will SURPRISE many! (PHOTO)

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Novak and Jelena Djoković are attracting the attention of the public with every move they make, and even their closest ones cannot escape from that.

ENCHANTING BRUNETTE WHO IS A REAL MYSTERY: Meet Jelena Djoković's SISTER, what she does will SURPRISE many! (PHOTO)

Foto: Tanjug

Everyone already knows the brothers of Novak Djoković pretty well, but what is little known is that Jelena has a sister, Marija.

A few years ago, the beautiful Marija cheered for Novak at the US Open, and many were intrigued by the attractive brunette who was in his box. 

Jelena's sister was a part of the Novak Djoković Foundation for a while, but then she decided to go on hiatus and dedicate herself to her blog, which deals with many topics, primarily travel and fashion.

Marija's private life has also been a bed of roses, since she has been in a harmonious marriage with Budimir Jovković for several years.

She uses her free time mostly for equestrianism as horses are her great love. Numerous photos of these noble animals on her Instagram profile can vouch for that.

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