LEGENDARY BOXER GOING INTO RETIREMENT: He will devote himself to politics and he announces his presidential candidacy!

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Boxing legend Manny Pacquiao has announced that he would soon be hanging up his boxing gloves. As a reason for this Manny stated that he wanted to focus on his career in politics.


Foto: Tanjug/AP

Pacquiao (on the left) is starting a new career

The world title holder in many different divisions, who is also a senator in his native Philippines, has announced that he intends to run for president in the 2022 presidential elections in his country.

The last match of this 42-year-old was one that he lost to Cuban Yordenis Ugas and it took place last month in Las Vegas.

- I just heard the final bell. Boxing is over - said Pacquiao.

In a video posted on his social media platforms, Pacquiao has described his retirement from boxig as the most difficult decision in his life, also adding that boxing had given him the chance to fight his way out of poverty and the courage to change many lives.

He also thanked his fans, friends and supporters, those who has been by his side during the course of his career. He especially thanked his long-time trainer Freddie Roach, whom he described as his family, his brother and his friend.

- I will never forget what I have done and accomplished in my life - the Philippine boxing legend ended his retirement announcement by saying this.

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