ENTIRE HOTEL FLOOR FOR IRON MIKE: Details of how Tyson will be enyoing his time in Belgrade uncovered!
World boxing legend Mike Tyson is set to attend the AIBA Men's World Boxing Championships 2021 due to take place between 24 October and 6 November in Belgrade.

Foto: Profimedia
According to Belgrade press, Tyson has been invited as a guest of the Serbian Boxing Federation and he should come to Belgrade near the end of the championship which will take place at Štark arena.
We now have a sneak peek at the special treatment he will have during his stay in the Serbian capital.
Iron Mike will have at his disposal the whole floor in one of Serbia's most renowned hotels.
The amount of time that Tyson will spend in Serbia is still not known, however, he will not be the only megastar guest of Serbia and its boxing federation.
This event will be made even greater by the appearance of Mark Wahlberg, who is coming to Belgrade and together with Milos Bikovic he will participate in the Opening Ceremony of the Men's World Boxing Championships due to take place in Belgrade.
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