HARD TO GET, EVEN HARDER TO KEEP! Women born under these two Zodiac signs are challenging for men, but also their biggest disappointment!

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You really need to make a huge effort to win the heart of women born under these two signs.


Foto: pexels.com

Female Virgos and Aries play hard to get

They are hard to get. They are even harder to keep, even if a man succeeds in thawing their frozen heart. 

They require a lot of effort, as they value their independence, freedom and especially getting their own way every time. 

This applies to female Aries and Virgos. 


She is always right and she will do everything in her power to explain why things need to be exactly as she says. 

These women do not jump into relationships quickly and easily, but when they finally "decide" to do this, they are hard to keep. Their priority is to be independent rather than loved and cared for. 

Therefore, if you want to keep a Female Aries, do not suppress her freedom and do not try to be a part of "her world" all the time. 


A perfectionist woman will notice every detail in you and on you - both good and bad. She is not easily swayed by gifts and glamorous things. 

The things she finds important are what you do and your manners. Based on that, she will decide whether you are worth her attention or not. She despises liars and fickle people. 

With this said, show her that you are a true man, who can make her day, and possibly her entire life, of course, if she and only she decides so - Luftika writes.

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