BREAK-UPS, DIVORCES, TURN OF EVENTS AND NEW LOVES! People born under these three Zodiac signs should be prepared for huge life changes in October!

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October horoscope predicts major life changes in the field of love for Aries, Leos and Capricorns.



These three signs should brace themselves for unexpected changes


Lonely Aries will have a dilemma when it comes to romantic relations. It is important to go with what your heart says. There is a possibility you will fall in love like never before. Do not let your fear of commitment and change eat away at your happiness. This is a turning point in your life, you should be enjoying the good times instead of asking questions. Aries who are in relationships are overcoming their problems and building a harmonious atmosphere at last. You can expect to  regain closeness and rekindle the flame between your partner and you. 


Single Leos will have many chances to form new romantic relationships in October. The old flames need to develop slowly, so you should be patient. You will benefit double from every ounce of effort you put into your relationship. Dream it and it will happen, talk about it and you will solve it. Try to find a joint solution with your partner. Good opportunities are ahead of you and some of these encounters may be your destiny. 


Available Capricorns will be very ambitious and successful in the domain of love. Those who are taken will introduce more honesty, empathy and support into their relationships.  You will feel loved, safe and magnificent. You are ready to uncover your feelings and to receive a tidal wave of wonderful emotions. The stars have a positive influence of your wishes and this is one of the most tender times of the year. When it comes to love, you are walking down the right path. You are making long-term plans with your partner and as of 17 October your shared projects will start coming to life, resulting in your happiness.

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