(FOTO) Šokantno priznanje atraktivne atletičarke: Zaostaje za ostalim rivalkama zbog nedostatka SE*SA, momci je napuštaju redovno!





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Lolo Džons (37), američka atletičarka i bob vozač odavno je priznala da je nevina te da čeka pravog muškarca sa kojim će se upustiti u intimne odnose. Ipak, ona smatra da joj je to veliki nedostatak i po takmičarskom planu.

RepublikaFoto: instagram.com/printscreen/lolojones
Lolo Džouns

Amerikanka koja je svestrana u sportskim disciplinama pa uspeva da prezentuje svoju državu i na Letnjim, ali i Zimskim olimpijskim igrama. Nedavno je priznala da će u brak ući nevina.

- Pokušavala sam sa ljudima iz različitih društvenih sfera, čak i sa kolegama atletičarima, ali uvek se završavalo prekidima i mojim slomljenim srcem. Odlučna sam u tome da se prvi put seksam tek kad stupim u brak, ali nikako da nađem pravog muškarca - požalila se Džons.

Bez obzira na sve Lolo kaže da ne odustaje od celibata.

-  Ne znam zašto me Bog još uvek nije blagoslovio brakom. Mnogi mi se muškarci sviđaju, ali u veze sa mnom ulaze uvereni da će mi promeniti stav. Napuštaju me kada shvate da neće biti seksa pre oltara - kaže Lolo.


What I text my crush vs when my crush texts me. #nochill #sisWatchingTooManyRomComs #lookathernow

A post shared by Lolo Jones (@lolojones) on Nov 11, 2019 at 3:19pm PST

Ipak, Lolo smatra da u tome što nema redovne odnose ima zaostatak za ostalim sportistima.

- Seks pomaže sportistima jer je dobar za hormone. Stoga sam ja u nepovoljnom položaju - zaključuje Lolo.


Can’t swing too hard or my clip-in will fall out ???‍♀️

A post shared by Lolo Jones (@lolojones) on May 4, 2018 at 4:24pm PDT


Today was not a good day. Anyone have jokes? Or funny videos?

A post shared by Lolo Jones (@lolojones) on Jun 18, 2018 at 7:46pm PDT


Dating in 2018 ?. Last night, was the first time I was meeting this guy. We have been trying to meet up for a while. So even tho I just flew in and was exhausted... I decided to go. The first part of the dinner was great. He was funny and charming. My cheeks are starting to hurt from laughing. Wow is this how rom coms start?! He said he loves God. Yes amen ???? should I go pick out my ring now boo ?? size 7 radiant cut. I was enjoying a fruity cocktail when he started talking heavily about religion. ? Pump the brakes now I’m trying to unbuzz myself to talk about God ???. ?I felt like i was trying to walk a line and pass a sobriety test ? He said Christians shouldn’t go to church... I started to think of an excuse to leave but I wasn't done with my steak ? Then he said he doesn’t believe in giving money donations to church. guess I will be paying for this dinner ? he continued to go on this religious rant as I continued to eat my steak wow the chef really nailed the peppercorn sauce ?. I listened to him go on without him asking me what I think but I think I should’ve ordered another drink to get thru this. He wanted to debate the Bible and when I finally spoke I asked him if he even reads the Bible he said no but he’s attended studies on it...? remind me to not read his yelp reviews ??‍?. The server brought the check. I offered to go half... usually what I do when I know I don’t want another dinner but he reached for the bill ??ok maybe he is more giving than his whole no donation rant made him seem. The waiter said Ummm we do not take Amex ? pause. I wait for him to use another card. He stares at me. I reach for my purse. Arreghh 200 dollars ? damn ouch how do guys afford to date in 2018?!! And why did I order a salad, an appetizer and a STEAk should’ve just ordered a salad you greedy bitch??. But my fav part is dessert. when we left old boy didn’t even offer to pay for my Uber home. He posted a few hours later on Instagram him taking a stroll in New York with 8 dollar ice cream cone in hand. Guess his Amex worked there.

A post shared by Lolo Jones (@lolojones) on Aug 29, 2018 at 10:07am PDT


If it was FaceTuned I would’ve erased the hair on my upper lip

A post shared by Lolo Jones (@lolojones) on Sep 29, 2019 at 2:47pm PDT

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