WHY NOVA.RS AND NOT KURTI.COM?! Scandalous text of the opposition portal, it is clear whose interests they are protecting!
The opposition portal Nova.rs scandalously reports on the meeting between the President of Serbia and the fake prime minister of the non-existent state of Kosovo, Albin Kurti.

Foto: Tanjug/AP, Nova.s
The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, has been fighting a battle in Brussels since this morning, both with the representatives of the West and with the Prime Minister of the interim Pristina authorities, Albin Kurti.
It is clear to everyone that the fake prime minister of the fake country has rejected all the proposals. Whatever the representatives of the European Union and the Serbian side proposed, Kurti gave a negative answer, because it is clear that he does not want any compromise, but his only goal is to mistreat and expel the Serbs from Kosovo.
However, during that time, the opposition portal Nova.rs, marching to the beat of the drum of the media tycoon Dragan Šolak, played dumb and under the title "WE FIND OUT Tense in Brussels: Vučić and Kurti cannot come to an agreement", published a text in which they write that there is no agreement.
In this shameful text, it is stated that, as they learn, "the conversation is not yielding results and that the two sides are far from an agreement, and that the big question is whether there will be any progress at all."
If until now you had any doubts whose interests Nova.rs was protecting, which would be unlikely, now there shouldn't any dilemma. Maybe the portal could bear the name kurti.com instead of its current one.
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