UKRAINE RECOGNISING KOSOVO? Scandal in the Parliament: Goncharenko continued to attack Serbia!

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Goncharenko recently stated in a social media post that referred to Serbia, that Ukraine will win in the end, among other things.

UKRAINE RECOGNISING KOSOVO? Scandal in the Parliament: Goncharenko continued to attack Serbia!

Foto: Shutterstock

Ukrainian MP Oleksiy Goncharenko submitted to the Ukrainian Parliament a draft resolution proposing the recognition of the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo.

- Ukraine shares Western values and will support democracy anywhere in the world. I hope Ukraine will recognize Kosovo's independence ASAP - Goncharenko wrote on Twitter.

Goncharenko recently stated in a social media post that referred to Serbia, that Ukraine will win in the end and that "the process of re-education will be difficult and unpleasant for the Serbs", among other things.

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