Punches were flying all over the place: The biggest organised mass fight! (VIDEO)

Autor: Republika

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Is this the most bizarre combat sport in the world?

Punches were flying all over the place: The biggest organised mass fight! (VIDEO)

Foto: mmaworld.com/printscreen

Amazing pictures coming from Moscow.

All over the world, people visit various festivals, where they are usually presented with plenty of food and drinks and a certain programme, which is usually based on the performance of popular musicians.

However, a festival organised near the Russian capital surpasses all known expectations.

Namely, the "Walk the Field" festival was organise near Moscow, where 1,200 people put on gloves and started a direct fight on the field. The teams were divided into "black" and "yellow", and each team had exactly 600 members.

The teams walked towards each other, an exchange of blows followed, but the two conflicting parties very quickly decided on a truce, apparently realising the complete absurdity of the event itself.

It is also worth mentikng that the festival itself was held in honour of 450 years since the victory in the Battle of Molodi, which was one of the key battles during the reign of Ivan the Terrible. In the aforementioned conflict, between 25 and 33,000 Russians and Crimeans faced each other off.

Festival " Walk the Field" lasted just over a minute, after which the participants stopped and raised their hands, which was a sign that both sides achieved the "much-desired triumph".


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