HE CHOSE HIS NEXT VICTIM! The hit video set social media on fire: Erdogan approached Johnson from behind, no one expected this kind of reaction! (VIDEO)
The meeting between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson became a real hit on social media.

Foto: Printscreen/Youtube/rteurdu
Thw NATO summit in Madrid brought together the leaders of the world superpowers, and the Turkish president and the prime minister of Great Britain were also there.
The video of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan approaching Boris Johnson from behind and grabbing him by the shoulder became a hit on social media. The reason is primarily the reaction of the British Prime Minister, who nearly jumped out of his skin.
Twitter users joked that Erdogan had chosen his "next victim".
In the end, everything ended with a handshake between the two European leaders, but it seems that at first Johnson was not really pleased.
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