What is happening with Vladimir Putin!? He can BARELY keep his balance, he is twitching... New video raises the issue of the Russian president's health again! (VIDEO)

Autor: Republika

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The issue of the Russian president's health has been in focus since he started appearing at public events while the invasion of Ukraine is underway.

What is happening with Vladimir Putin!? He can BARELY keep his balance, he is twitching... New video raises the issue of the Russian president's health again! (VIDEO)

Foto: Tanjug/AP

The appearance of Russian President Vladimir Putin at a recent economic forum in St. Petersburg raised some questions about his health.

Namely, everyone noticed that Putin could barely keep his balance while standing behind the podium. He seemed to suffer from uncontrollable cramps as he gave a one-hour speech to his partners. The issue of the Russian president's health has been in focus since he started appearing at public events while the invasion of Ukraine is underway.

During the pandemic, Putin rarely appeared in public, and his dramatic return to the global stage was accompanied by many speculations.

At the forum in St. Petersburg, he seemed to have cramps, because he was secretly holding on to the podium behind the counter while he was trying to stand up straight during his speech.

Within seconds of the recording beginning, he seemed to wobble on his feet as he spoke, before recovering. But he could be seen struggling to stand still again, and then he wobbled again and his left shoulder twitched.

Western intelligence suspects Putin has Parkinson's disease and cancer. Parkinson's disease is especially associated with uncontrolled cramps and twitching.

Reports of Putin's health have so far been unconfirmed, but recurring footage of the Russian president's arms and legs shaking and twitching has sparked a discussion about a potential diagnosis.


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