THE CRAZIEST OF PEOPLE! Hilarious scene at a celebration in Serbia: He tossed them like a bridal bouquet! (VIDEO)

Autor: Republika

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Unusual scenes at celebrations around the world are not uncommon. One of the never-before-seen incidents took place in Serbia.

THE CRAZIEST OF PEOPLE! Hilarious scene at a celebration in Serbia: He tossed them like a bridal bouquet! (VIDEO)

Foto: Printscreen/Instagram/Negujmosrbski

The celebration under a party tent, which was probably nearing its end, spiraled out of control when a young man and a woman got into an excavator bucket and were picked up by a person while still in it.

The video was shared on the Instagram account Neguj mo srbski jezik, which otherwise publishes comic and funny posts.

The young man and woman who were in the excavator bucket, about half a meter from the ground, fell out of it, and one of those present shook his head in disbelief. 

- We are heavenly people - a comment stated.

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