PANIC ON SERBIAN TELEVISION! The journalist went into the chamber and was on the verge of losing CONSCIOUSNESS, the presenter told her to GET OUT OF THERE IMMEDIATELY (PHOTO)


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A journalist in Serbia started her segment in an unexpected environment.

PANIC ON SERBIAN TELEVISION! The journalist went into the chamber and was on the verge of losing CONSCIOUSNESS, the presenter told her to GET OUT OF THERE IMMEDIATELY (PHOTO)

Foto: Printskrin TV Prva

In the morning show, a journalist of Prva TV started her segment from a cryo chamber, where the temperature goes down to negative 170 degrees Celsius and is used by athletes in physical therapy.

- I am on the verge of fainting - she said, followed by a worried reaction from the studio host:

- Get out of there, your lips have turned blue, I am worried about you - said the host.

What is cryotherapy?

Cryotherapy, which literally means “cold therapy,” is a technique where the body is exposed to extremely cold temperatures for several minutes.

The individual will stand in an enclosed chamber or a small enclosure that surrounds their body (cryo sauna), but has an opening for their head at the top. The temperature inside the cryo sauna will drop to between negative 100-160 degrees Celsius. They’ll stay there for a few minutes, usually between two and four.

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