The host of a MORNING show GOT NAKED! She stripped LIVE on air and STUNNED the entire public! (PHOTO)

Autor: Republika

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The host of the morning show took off her clothes.

The host of a MORNING show GOT NAKED! She stripped LIVE on air and STUNNED the entire public! (PHOTO)


The host of the British morning show "This Morning", Josie Gibson, filmed a segment with the naturists and on that occasion she decided to join them and appear completely naked on live TV. 



The host stripped naked live on air

At the very beginning, she was only in a bathing suit, and then she took off her clothes and shocked everyone.

Although the cameraman tried not to record too much, at one point the camera moved and nearly showed what wasn't supposed to be seen. Namely, it caught a naked man standing next to the presenter, and in the studio everyone jumped:

- That was close, that was close! - the studio host said. 



This Morning show

The presenter checked in from the field and said:

- I am joined by all my new friends. Say "hi" and keep those parts covered.

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