He should be ASHAMED - The neighbour walked in and HELPED HIMSELF! People in shock: I hope someone recognises this SCUMBAG! (VIDEO)
A video of a theft in Belgrade has appeared on the Internet, and many have not remained indifferent.

Foto: Printscreen/Twitter/tviteRADA
As can be seen in the video, a man, who is claimed to be the neighbour of the author of this video, sneaked into the ground floor apartment in Block 45 in the dead of night and stole all the flower pots with flowers in them.
He didn't pay any attention or at least thought that the neighbours didn't have cameras installed. However, he was caught in his shameful act and his theft was recorded on video.
The reaction of the public was immediate, the following comments were posted below this video on Twitter:
"He should be ashamed of himself", "I hope that someone will recognise this scumbag", "You should print these images with an appropriate comment, make copies of them and put up these posters across the whole neighbourhood. Repeat this if he takes them down - these are just some of the comments.
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