PROVOCATION IN THE SKY ABOVE MOSCOW! Putin made a move that no one saw coming! (PHOTO, VIDEO)
Preparations for Victory Day in Moscow are underway, and one detail in particular catches the eye.

Foto: Tanjug/AP
Russia and the President of this country Vladimir Putin are preparing for 9 May and the celebration of Victory Day. For that purpose, preparations have been going on in Moscow for several days now, so that the parade could go smoothly.
What catught the eye was a detail related to the fighter planes that flew over Red Square. At one point, the aircraft formed the letter "Z", which is the mark that Russian battle tanks have in Ukraine.
You can judge for yourselves whether this is a coincidence or something like this was done on purpose.

Foto: Printscreen/Youtube Sun
As a reminder, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that 11,000 soldiers, 131 units of modern military equipment, as well as 77 planes and helicopters took part in the rehearsal.
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