EVERYONE burst out laughing: Novak, my wife will LEAVE me because of you!
A delightful story for everyone present!

Foto: Starsport
Novak Djoković is currently in Belgrade, where he took part in the Serbia Open.
The best tennis player in the worls spent part of his free time with the Serbian Paralympians. One of them, who is visually impaired, approached him and told him a funny story.
- By the way, I have to tell one anecdote, my wife said she would divorce me. When I listen to you, no one can utter a word, because I do not see TV, so I have to listen to the commentator, to what he is saying - the Paralympian told Novak.
They also brought gifts to Djoković.
- Thank you, it is a great pleasure and honour for me, you are heroes and an inspiration for all of us. Thank you for representing Serbia in the best way in the world, for showing everyone that despite the difficulties, a person can succeed when he believes and wants to. Thank you for that message - Novak told them.
He will meet Laslo Djere in the second round of the Serbia Open, who defeated Hamad Medjedović on Tuesday.
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