AWFUL! The champion swam in "BLOOD" because of Putin! (VIDEO)

Autor: Republika

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A gruesome scene!

AWFUL! The champion swam in "BLOOD" because of Putin! (VIDEO)

Foto: Ilustracija: Pixabay, Tanjug/AP

The war in Eastern Europe is still going on, and the end of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is not even in sight ...

A large number of athletes around the world support the Ukrainians, and one of the last ones to do this is Ruta Meilutyte, the former Olympic champion.

Namely, the former Olympic champion decided to show revolt against the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, by swimming through blood. 

The water was painted red, which symbolises the blood of Ukrainians.

- It is important not to get numb to the horrific images of mass killings of Ukrainians and their pain. The seemingly never-ending horrors imposed by Russia on the Ukrainian land must not become the norm. With countries such as Germany not stepping up and not posing adequate sanctions on the aggressor – choosing money over people, makes it hard to remain hopeful. Therefore it’s crucial that we keep acting – spreading truthful information, volunteering, protesting, donating, and pressuring our governments to take action - Meilutyte said. 

After all, you can see this gruesome scene for yourself:



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