LITTLE PUTIN IN THE ARMS OF HITLER AND STALIN: Shocking photo appeared in the Kyiv subway


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A strange poster of Vladimir Putin allegedly appeared in the Kyiv subway, which clearly shows what Ukrainian citizens think about the man who initiated the invasion of their country.

LITTLE PUTIN IN THE ARMS OF HITLER AND STALIN: Shocking photo appeared in the Kyiv subway

Foto: tanjug/AP/printskrin/Public

At first glance, the poster looks like an old, black-and-white Victorian-era family painting.

The heads of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler and Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin were photoshopped onto the bodies of the parents.

The head of the Russian president was photoshopped onto the body of the baby they are holding.



The comparisons of Putin to Stalin and Hitler, who have gone down in history as some of the greatest villains, have been appearing in the media and on social media since the beginning of the Russian attack on Ukraine. 

Comparisons between Putin and Hitler began during the war in Georgia in 2008, continued during Russia's annexation of Crimea in 2014, and have reignited in recent weeks.

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