Armed members of ROSU stormed Štrpce! New terror against Serbs in Kosovo!


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This is the fourth time in just a few months that Kurti has sent armed special forces to Štrpce.

Armed members of ROSU stormed Štrpce! New terror against Serbs in Kosovo!

Foto: Tanjug/AP

On 8 April at noon several armed ROSU members stormed into several Serbian-owned stores in the municipality of Štrpce, accompanied by the representatives the so-called Customs of Kosovo, in search of Serbian goods, the Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petković, said. 

He further stated that "they blocked three grocery stores, preventing the locals from doing their shopping, intimidating them with this latest demonstration of force by Albin Kurti."

- This is the fourth time in just a few months that Kurti is sending armed special forces to Štrpce, all with the aim of intimidating and trying to expel the remaining Serbs from this southernmost Serbian environment and break their ties with other Serbian communities. For that purpose, Kurti uses some sort of battle against biscuits and snack as a cover for attacking Serbs and demonstrating force, thinking that frequent actions will succeed in shaking Serbs up and provoking an irresponsible move - Petar Petković pointed out and concluded:

- Despite Kurti’s obsession with Štrpce, the people of Štrpce do not fall for provocations and are determined to stay and survive in their homes, and the only loser of such unreasonable actions will be Kurti. The state of Serbia will continue to help Štrpce both economically and in every other way, and Kurti cannot prevent that.

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