SHE LIED TO ROGER FROM THE FIRST DAY: Mirka Federer is an ADULTERER, here is what she HID from her current husband!

Autor: Republika

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Mirka Federer has had a very turbulent love life in the past.

SHE LIED TO ROGER FROM THE FIRST DAY: Mirka Federer is an ADULTERER, here is what she HID from her current husband!


Mirka and Roger Federer have been in a harmonious marriage for many years, and she is the greatest support in her husband's life.

The two crowned their long-term relationship with marriage on 11 April 2009, and only a few months later they got twins Myla Rose and Charlene Riva.

Five years later, the happy couple welcomed another set of twins, Lenny and Leo.

What is less known about Mirka is that she was engaged to a rich Arab in her youth. When Roger got involved with her he had no idea she was actually taken.

However, when Mirka realised that Federer was the man of her life, she broke with the Arab sultan, and what is also important, she managed to hide it all from the public eye.

Certainly, this detail from her youth intrigued many, but also gave importance to her and Roger's love, which grew out of her love for sports.

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