SHAMEFUL PROPAGANDA OF THE KOSOVO ALBANIANS! For the anniversary of the POGROM, they are using children in the campaign against Serbia! (VIDEO)
On the eve of the anniversary of the pogrom, Albanians from Kosovo made a video in which they exploit children.

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The day before the anniversary of the pogrom, which took place on 17 March 2004, Albanians released a scandalous propaganda video.
A certain Shqiptar group "Besa Bese" has launched a dirty campaign against the purchase of Serbian products in stores in Kosovo and Metohija.
The mentioned group recorded a video in which citizens are urged not to buy Serbian products.
In the video, the girl tells her father not to buy Serbian products.
- Do you know that they killed our people. They also killed the Jashari family, and maybe they want to poison us - says the girl, after which two women, who were watching the scene, demonstratively throw baskets with Serbian products.
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