HYBRID WAR! Vučić rebuked haters from the region: They are bothered by THE PROGRESS OD SERBIA!

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President Aleksandar Vučić assessed that a hybrid war is being waged against Serbia and that the only reason for that is the inability of our neighbours to accept Serbia's progress in many areas.

HYBRID WAR! Vučić rebuked haters from the region: They are bothered by THE PROGRESS OD SERBIA!


- A hybrid war is being waged because they are not looking forward to the success of Serbia. From a part of the region where they thought they had solved everything by joining the EU and NATO, they thought Serbia was crushed and that the Serbian army disappeared. And now, all of a sudden, Serbia is growing twice as fast as them in terms of gross domestic product, and the army is getting stronger, and why should they like that? Their behavior is logical - said Aleksandar Vučić in Kragujevac after the beginning of the construction of a German factory.

He said that it seemed incredible to him that someone, at the time of the war in Ukraine, did not have a focus on that problem, but used everything to attack Serbia.

- In at least three countries, they do not deal with anything other than Serbia. And what do you think, that they will congratulate us for having a better Clinical Center than in Zagreb and Ljubljana together? - Vučić said. 

Speaking about the announcements of the German state leadership to plan investments of 100 billion euros in the renewal of weapons and military equipment, Vučić said that no one can compare with that country.

- It will be the strongest army and a complete change of everything we have had so far. And they shout at us when we invest 500-600 million or a billion and something - he said.

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