PICTURES THAT BRING BACK DARK MEMORIES! Photos from Ukraine will remind you of the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia!

Autor: Republika

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Russia's invasion of Ukraine began in the early hours of Thursday morning, and the images that arrive will bring back dark memories

PICTURES THAT BRING BACK DARK MEMORIES! Photos from Ukraine will remind you of the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia!

Foto: Tanjug/AP, Youtube/ Ref's Channel

Nastavljene borbe, svet sa strepnjom čeka razrešenje krize

Russia attacked Ukraine early on Thursday morning and reached Kyiv around noon. 

Members of the Russian army attacked Ukrainians from all sides, and according to some information, 73 locations were targeted.

Photographs coming from the war-torn areas take us back to the past and the time when the NATO alliance carried out the operation "The Angel of Mercy" and bombed FR Yugoslavia.

See what Ukraine looks like today in the photos in the gallery below.


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