A VIDEO WAS PLAYED, AND THEN VUČIĆ COMMENTED: The President revealed a wish from his youth!

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The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, revealed that in his youth he wanted to become a sports commentator.

A VIDEO WAS PLAYED, AND THEN VUČIĆ COMMENTED: The President revealed a wish from his youth!

Foto: TV Pink/printscreen

Visiting Jovana Jeremić on TV Pink at "Novo jutro", the presenter played a video from the eighties, in which the president spoke about the Red Star game.

- For me, victory has always been important. This was the Joy of Europe, we welcomed peers from European countries. Then the Austrian Leopold Fischer came to our family, he was older than us. They were not talented for sports, we beat them. We spent the whole day outside, unlike today's children. I wanted to be a sports commentator then, I could recognise everyone's voice. I didn't understand what speakers were, so I immersed myself in the radio, I didn't want to miss a second - Vučić recalled .


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