MATEJ'S VIBER ACCOUNT WAS DEACTIVATED! Only the user has this option: New information about the case of the missing Periš

Autor: Republika

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Matej Periš's phone is one of the biggest mysteries since his disappearance, and now another strange piece of information has appeared.

MATEJ'S VIBER ACCOUNT WAS DEACTIVATED! Only the user has this option: New information about the case of the missing Periš

Foto: ST/P. DIVAC/screenshot

Namely, the Viber application on this device, which showed the young man as last available on 22 January, has been uninstalled!

For now, it is not known who could do it and why, but what is known is that the application is not deleted from the phone by the manufacturer after a short period of non-use, but its deactivation must be done by the user, i.e. someone who has access to the phone system.

Matej's account is still active on the popular "WhatsApp".

The mystery of the signal

The phone of the missing citizen of Split has been a great enigma from the very beginning. 

According to police data, the signal of this device was registered on the night of 31 January on the promenade near the Sava, where it is presumed that Matej Periš entered the water, although the cameras did not record him doing so.

The next signal was "caught" about 2.5 hours later, a few kilometers away, near the Great War Island. 

This information sounded strange to many, considering that if Matej entered the Sava and sank, and his phone was in his pocket on that occasion, he would not be able to emit a signal that much later.

Once again, the public was shocked when the information appeared that Matej Periš was "online" on Viber on 21 January, after 22 days of search. 

Then his father Nenad Periš briefly explained what it was all about.

- I was informed of that by the police. These are activities carried out by the police as part of the investigation of all the details of this case - Nenad Periš said. 

In recent days, the public was stirred by the message of a model, who posted that she had seen a young man in Munich who is incredibly reminiscent of Matej Periš.

She said that the young man withdrew money from the ATM and that his mother also saw him, who also thought that it was the missing citizen of Split.

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