IN THE MIDDLE OF THE AUSTRALIAN FRENZY! Federer's statement about Novak MADE the entire world SICK, he sided with Nadal - we all remember...

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The best tennis player in the world, Novak Djoković, is still in the focus of the world media, although the Australian Open is underway, and unfortunately Nole is not playing there...

IN THE MIDDLE OF THE AUSTRALIAN FRENZY! Federer's statement about Novak MADE the entire world SICK, he sided with Nadal - we all remember...

Foto: Tanjug/AP

This was preceded by the decision of the local authorities to deport Novak from Melbourne!

In the sea of negative statements about Djoković, let's remember the words of Roger Fderer a few years ago.

The Swiss then sided with Nadal and tried to humiliate Novak:

- Maybe Djoković is your favorite. But not for me. I remember he couldn't play three weeks ago. He was injured and only God knows how horrible that was. And now everything is wonderful. Not everything can change so quickly. I don't know who said that Novak is the favourite, but it is obvious that Nadal is in the first place, followed by Novak, and everyone else - Federer pointed out then ahead of Roland Garros.

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