GOOD NEWS TRAVELS FAST: CNN used material of the REPUBLIKA portal in their report on Djoković! (VIDEO)

Autor: Republika

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Novak Djoković is the main topic in all media around the world, including the American ones.

GOOD NEWS TRAVELS FAST: CNN used material of the REPUBLIKA portal in their report on Djoković! (VIDEO)

Foto: printscreen

Novak Đoković

The American media report on Novak Djoković on a daily basis, and CNN is certainly in the lead.

The famous channel paid a lot of attention to the best tennis player in the world, and during their report on him, they also used the video material of the Republika portal.

Namely, CNN informed its viewers that Novak Djoković admitted that he was wrong, because he was infected with the Coronavirus and did a radio interview with the French "L'Équipe".

This video used a video of the portal, on which the Serbian tennis player gives a statement during the Euroleague match between Red Star Belgrade and Barcelona.

A good voice is heard far and wide, and ours has reverberated to America, and we hope that our colleagues from CNN will report somewhat more objectively in the future on news about Novak Djokovic, as well as news from Serbia in general.


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