PASSENGER WENT COMPLETELY CRAZY ON A FLIGHT: A man used swear words involing Serbian mothers due to emergency landing in Belgrade (VIDEO)

Autor: Republika

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A plane of the Hungarian airline, which was flying on the route Billund-Tuzla last night, around midnight, made an emergency landing at Nikola Tesla Airport due to bad weather conditions in Tuzla.

PASSENGER WENT COMPLETELY CRAZY ON A FLIGHT: A man used swear words involing Serbian mothers due to emergency landing in Belgrade (VIDEO)

Foto: printscreen

Sulejman Imamović psovao srpsku majku u letelici

On that same flight, while still in the plane, there was a verbal incident involving insults and threats from the citizen of Denmark, Sulejman Imamović. 

- Screw your posh Serbian mothers, screw your mother's Serbian mouth, screw your Balija mother for taking me to Serbia, I will take down the plane and kill myself and my wife - Imamović shouted, obviously dissatisfied that they landed in Serbia.

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