ROSU ARMED TO THE TEETH, ŠTRPCE IS BLOCKED! "Kurti is carrying out another brutal intimidation of Serbs"
The director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petković, announced that the Kosovo police, with the ROSU special forces, armed to the teeth, raided several Serb villages in the municipality of Štrpce this morning and arrested several Serbs.

Foto: Tanjug/AP
Petković stated that it was another brutal attempt to intimidate the Serbian people in the province and the new terror of Albin Kurti.
As of this morning, the municipality of Strpce has been blocked, access has been blocked, streets have been closed, many Serbian houses have been searched, people are intimidated and unable to perform basic tasks, Petković pointed out, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija announced.
He pointed out that, under the guise and pretext of some fight against corruption, the Prime Minister of the Provisional Institutions of Priština, Albin Kurti, is again sending the ROSU special forces, fully armed, to Serbian communities, with the sole goal of criminalising Serbs who remain the bulwark of our national interests, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija announced.

Foto: Tanjug
How is it that Kurti does not see corruption and crime in his ranks, when all international factors know that all the flows of dirty money go through Albanian environments, Perković asked.
He pointed out that the municipality of Štrpce, as a strong Serbian stronghold and the southernmost point of Serbian survival in Kosovo and Metohija, is an obvious target precisely because of its importance for our people who remained and survived in Kosovo and Metohija, despite all the challenges and difficulties.
No actions by Albin Kurti will break the Serbian resistance and Serbian unity in the province, embodied in the Serb List, and we will persevere in spite of all the pressures, Petković stressed.
He pointed out that this action did not happen on today's day by chance, when Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić is supposed to sign six important agreements within the "Open Balkans" initiative, as a step towards a better future and that it was obviously coordinated with last night's extremist rampage and the burning of Serbian flags in Tirana.
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