NIKOLA WAS MOVED BY THE NATIONAL ANTHEM "BOŽE PRAVDE"! Hot outing after the victory in Florida, Jokić set the night club on fire! (VIDEO)

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The basketball players of the Denver Nuggets defeated the Miami Heat away team with 120:111, and the best one on the court, as usual, was the Serbian ace Nikola Jokić.

NIKOLA WAS MOVED BY THE NATIONAL ANTHEM "BOŽE PRAVDE"! Hot outing after the victory in Florida, Jokić set the night club on fire! (VIDEO)

Foto: Printscreen/Twitter/Arena sport

The games between Denver and Miami were also attended by Nikola's brothers, and the "Joker" scored  24 points, 15 rebounds and 7 assists.

Immediately after the match, Jokić celebrated this triumph in one of the local bars.

See what it looked like on the spot:

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