ARMED LIKE THE ARMY! Great police action in Novi Sad, a man from Beočin ended up in custody! (PHOTO)

Autor: Republika

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Members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Novi Sad arrested M.T. (1989) from Beočin on suspicion that he committed the crime of illicit production and possession of explosives.

ARMED LIKE THE ARMY! Great police action in Novi Sad, a man from Beočin ended up in custody! (PHOTO)

Foto: MUP

Zaplena oružja i municije

According to the announcement of the Ministry of the Interior, a search of the apartment where the suspect was staying produced an automatic rifle, a pistol and 236 pieces of ammunition.

Foto: MUP

Seizure of weapons and ammunition

M.T. was ordered detention for up to 48 hours.

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