IN 2 STEPS AND IN HALF A MINUTE, CHECK THE HEALTH OF YOUR HEART: If this occurs to you, you should see a doctor immediately

Autor: Republika

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In half a minute you can check whether you need to go to the doctor or not.

IN 2 STEPS AND IN HALF A MINUTE, CHECK THE HEALTH OF YOUR HEART: If this occurs to you, you should see a doctor immediately


Heart problems do not always come with clear warning signs. And while it is crucial to go for regular check-ups, you can do a great test at home that reveals the condition of your heart.

One trick can help you get an idea of   how your heart works, and "Bright Side" reveals that it is a simple trick that will show you the health of your heart in just 30 seconds.

Here's what you need to do:

The first step

Take a larger container, which can hold both hands, and fill it with cold water.

For better results, add a little ice.

Second step

Put your hands in the bowl and hold them for exactly 30 seconds. This will help you know how the blood will react when it comes in contact with ice water.

If you did everything right, now is the time to check the condition of your heart. These are two possible results.

1. The fingers are red

If your fingers are red, that is a good result. This means that you do not have problems related to oxygenation in the blood.

Your heart and blood circulation are fine.

2. The fingers have become pale or dark blue

If your fingers have become pale or blue, there is a possibility that you have problems with blood circulation. This happens because there is a low level of oxygen in your blood cells or because you have a problem with carrying oxygen through the bloodstream.

In this case, you can try to warm up or massage the area of   the hand to revert it to its normal color. If this does not happen quickly, be sure to see a doctor. Especially if during the test you feel shortness of breath, pain in the head or chest, sweating, numbness in the shoulders, legs, arms, toes or heels, dizziness, it is a sign that you need to have an urgent examination.

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