THE WEST OPENS UDBA ARCHIVES? Brussels demands documents from the security services of the countries of the former SFRY!
Organised crime is a serious problem for the Western Balkans region, but also for the entire European Union, given that the groups from the region have strong networks in the EU, warns the European Parliament, which seeks to strengthen co-operation with the Western Balkans and open archives from the former SFRY.

The report of the Austrian MP from the European People's Party, Lukas Mandl, which was adopted by the Foreign Policy Committee of the European Parliament (EP), also calls for the opening of state archives from the former Yugoslavia in order to reveal the connections between politics and organised crime.
Many EU diplomats, as well as those from member states, believe that the State Security Administration (UDBA), the Counterintelligence Service (KOS) and other services also used criminals for their actions, and that they did the same in the EU countries in their time, Jutarnji list reports.
- The links between organised crime, politics and business existed before the break-up of the former Yugoslavia and continued after the 1990s conflict. Lawmakers condemn the lack of will on the part of the region's authorities to open the former Yugoslavia's archives and return files to those authorities who want it - the EP statement for the media said after the adoption of this report.
MEPs called for greater co-operation between countries in the region, which would include the exchange of intelligence.
The state should also have such cooperation with the European Union and other international partners, such as the United States, Canada and Great Britain, the report states.
MEPs are urging Western Balkan countries to show greater political will to fight organised crime, do everything possible to shorten court proceedings, increase seizures of illegally acquired property and eradicate political and administrative links to organised crime.
- Organised crime in the Western Balkans region has great consequences for the EU as well, considering that the countries of that region are often a source or transit zone for smuggling drugs, people, weapons and money laundering - states the EP.
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Komentari (1)
03.11.2021 14:45
Mislim da o tome treba da odluče bezbednosne institucije i da imaju viziju na dugoročan period od 100 i više godine da li je to u interesu naše države.Mada definitivno treba stati kriminalu na kraj