THE BRITISH ARE SECRETLY PREPARING THE FUNERAL OF QUEEN ELIZABETH II: The Queen is still alive, yet operation LONDON BRIDGE is already prepared!

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Queen Elizabeth II is still alive, yet the British are already secretly preparing her funeral arrangements.


Foto: Tanjug/AP

The funeral arrangements of Queen Elizabeth II are being made!

The Queen of the United Kingdom, Elizabeth II is 95 years old, however, it seems that her funeral arrangements are already underway in her kingdom.

It comes as no surprise that when it comes to the British Royal Family, everything needs to be spick and span.  However, planning for the aftermath of someone's death while that person is still alive is not something that you read about every day.

The funeral plans are also known under their code name Operation London Bridge among the Royal Family's inner circle, however, some of the details have already been revealed.

Namely, the funeral will be held 10 days after the Queens's death, however, the actual day of her passing will not be declared an official bank holiday. It will be left to the discretion of employers to decide whether to give their employees the day off or not. 

This is not common practice in Great Britain, as so far the day in which a monarch passes away has always been heralded as a "day of national mourning".  However, it seems that as though their long-running tradition will be changing in accordance with the demands of modern life.


Foto: Tanjug/AP

The passing of Queen Elizabeth II will be tremendously difficult for the entire nation!

As reported by the British portal '' The Guardian'', on the day of the Queen's death, all governmental and royal family's websites and social media pages will display a black banner.  In addition to this, all Government employees will be banned from social media activities, unless previously cleared for justified reasons.

It is expected that masses of people would flock to say farewell to their Queen. 

Should this happen, there are plans to determine the date on which the Queen's coffin to will be taken to the Palace of Westminster, where it will lie and be open to the public for 23 hours a day for three days.

The British Armed Forces will arrange for gun salutes to take place.  After firing into the air, a national two-minutes' silence will be announced.  A funeral service will take place in St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle.

The Government of the United Kingdom showed increased concern over the possibility of the Queen's soon passing, even though she remains in good health.  As the above-mentioned portal states, this raises numerous questions whether their country is prepared to handle such a difficult event. 

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