PREDRAG GAGA ANTONIJEVIĆ FOR SRPSKI TELEGRAF AND REPUBLIKA: I am not the first one that Bjela has beaten with fists!

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Predrag Gaga ANtonijević (62) has been physically recovering from the injuries inflicted to him by Dragan Bjelogrlić in a vicious attack.


Foto: Tanjug/D. KUJUNDŽIĆ

Dragan Bjelogrlić has beaten the director Gaga Antonijević

In an interview for Srpski telegraf, he points out that the bruises and swellings which he got all around his face are slowly healing, but that does not go for the embarrassment that he found himself in such a situation by accident.

- It has been ugly and sad and I am embarrassed that I got in the middle of that but I had no choice. The first thing I saw was his fist hitting me in the face. If he was a real gentleman as he poses himself to be, he would have said: Let’s go outside and clear things up! And he wouldn’t have hit me like a coward and a villain. But it only shows what kind of a man he is. Later on I heard that I was not the first man he had attacked and that it had been his attitude towards various film workers he had owned money to - said Antonijević.



Film director, Milan Gaga Antonijević, with bruises on his face


That should honour them

He does not hide that he has been hurt by Milutin Petrović’s behaviour, who announced Bjelogrlic as ‘a boxer’ two days after the incident on the movie premier of ‘Nečista krv –The sins of the Ancestors’.

- He ran out into the scene as a boxer, Milutin raised his hand, while the audience was applauding, as if he had won in a match while I did not have a chance to defend myself. One really needs to have serious metastasis in their brain to act in such a way and reward a man who had previously admitted serious criminal offence. That should honour them- the famous film director could not hide disappointment.

Antonijević was stunned by the fact that Bjelogrlić had not even apologized, if not to him then to the audience of the festival and Serbian public.

- I have heard rumours around the city that his men have been calling film workers and asking them to choose between Bjela and Gaga, which makes no sense to me - he added.

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