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A British actor, John Challis, who played the role of famous Boycie, in the cult series Only Fools and Horses, has officially applied for The citizenship of The Republic of Serbia, it was announced today by the vice mayor of Belgrade, Goran Vesić.


Foto: twitter printscreen

Boyce wants to become a Serbian

Last week he made an application in the Serbian embassy in London, which was immediately sent to Belgrade, and once the procedure has been completed, The Government of the Republic of Serbia will come to a decision by voting.

Boyce shared on social networks a photo where he is standing in front of a black Mercedes Car with the title 'Serbia' on its plates.

The vice mayor of Belgrade, Goran Vesić shared on his Facebook account the photo of Boyce next to the car and explained its origin, as well as how Boyce found himself in the Serbian embassy in London.

- The photo was taken last week in front of the Serbian Embassy in London. Before that, John Challis had officially made an application for Serbian citizenship! At the Embassy of the Republic of Serbian Mr challis was received by the Serbian ambassador in UK, Aleksandra Joksimović - Vesić wrote, and welcomed the decision of the British actors by following words:

- Boyce, welcome home!



Vesić added that he was also honoured by the opportunity to sigh the recommendation of the City of Belgrade to Boyce becoming a Serbian citizen.

- It has not been easy to count on one page everything Boyce has done to promote Serbia and Belgrade, especially in Great Britain where he is very famous and popular. The Prime Minister, Ana Brnabić, supported the idea that Boyce should become a citizen of Serbia - Vesić wrote and pointed out that he owes special gratitude to our man who has been living in London, Lazar Vukotić.

- It is a beautiful feeling when one knows that successful and popular people such as John Challis want to be Serbian citizens. I am happy because Boyce will officially become a Belgrade citizen. Basically he became a citizen of our town when he shot the movie 'Boyce in Belgrade'. Boyce, welcome home - Vesić said.

Challis pointed out that he wanted to honour Serbia’s reputation by making the film and show it I a different and better light by using humour as a universal thing which connect s people all over the world.

At that point, Boyce officially thanked to the Serbian people on social network for being watched and followed.



He does not hide that he likes Serbian Rakia, so he spent some time with a glass or two to comment on never having any inconveniences walking in the streets of Belgrade and how comfortable he felt among our people, and how fascinated he was by our history.

It is certain that once he officially becomes our citizen, Boyce will spend more time in Serbia which will be his new motherland, so do not be surprised to meet the famous car dealer on the streets of Belgrade.

Let’s remind you, Challis is not the first one to apply for Serbian citizenship. French humanitarian Arnaud Goullion, became Serbian citizen in 2015.

Sergei Polunin, a ballet dancer, has been a proud Serbian citizen since 2016 and the same year is for the famous actor, Steven Seagal.

An actor and film director, Ralph Fiennes, got Serbian citizenship in 2017 and is now to be joined by the great John Challis.

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