The President, Aleksandar Vučić, completely changed the life of Nataša Stanojčić (40) from Vrnjačka Banja and the family and for the better.

In her confession for ’Alo’, Nataša has told the story about the difficult life situation she found herself in and the way she managed to overcome it thanks to the good will of Aleksandar Vučić.
’I became pregnant for the third time and neither my husband nor me had a job, there was a posibility to obtain Hungarian legal documents, get their passport and go abroad, but I did not like that. It was not something that fulfilled me or made me happy’ Nataša Stanojčić (40) started her story for ’Alo’ searching for survival the same as her husband who went to Alaska searching for a better future.
Nataša was left alone with her two sons, Aleksandar (10), Bogdan (7) and her daughter, Vanja (4). Before she got pregnant she worked in the private sector and during her pregnancy she started her maternity leave, and as soon as her leave ended she got fired.
President’s letter:
’I was in a hurry that day, so in all that rush I forgot my phone at my friend’s place. I borrowed my eldest’s son’s phone and called my number so I could see where my phone was, but it was unavailable. Later on, my friend told me that she had my phone but she had turned it off because it had not stopped ringing. I asked her why she had not answered because, I don’t know, maybe I owed money to someone and they were calling me to pay it back. When I went back to get the phone, I saw around 10 missed calls. I called back to see who they were but since it was late afternoon, nobody answered. Somewhere in my mind I had a note that somebody had rung me, but I did not think about that too much because I am very forgetful especially while taking care of three children’ Nataša said laughing.
Three or four days after the call, Nataša remembers taking the phone to ring someone and she realized in that moment that she had not found out who had been calling her. She called the number and she was shocked to say the least.
’I still feel very nice when I talk about it. A woman answered the call with a very pleasant voice and being excited as I was, I thought it was someone who knew me well, and I did not recognize the person and she was addressing me with respect. She said: ’WE called you. The President Vučić wanted to talk to you. You did not answer then and he is currently on a trip. Do you have any messages for him when he gets back to Serbia?’ I do not know what overcame me in that moment, whether the thought that that was in my head or the wish that came true. When I asked her what it was all about she just answered shortly: ’It is about the letter you gave to the President. The reply will arrive until Friday at the latest.’ And so it happened, the mailman delivered the letter on Friday. I opened it - said Nataša crying - and I saw a promise which, in my opinion, changed my life. And so it was to an extent. I was thrilled and I did not believe that it was happening to me. That same moment I called Boban Đurović, the president of Vrnjačka Banja, who told me that they had received an official announcement and that I would be notified.
The whole procedure took several months, while a proper job for the mother of three children was being found. Nataša got a job in the Center for Culture and Arts, where she has been working as a ticket officer and cleaner.
- I mostly work afternoon shifts. I am very happy with my job, my colleagues, managers and the director, Saša Milenković, who runs our cultural center in the best possible way and great enjoyment. I have still been living with my three children and my husband is still in Alaska. We have improved our lives on several levels, but we still fight to give our children more than I had as a child. It is still very difficult but I hope that in the next couple of years everything will come to the right place.
- I was so desperate that I decided to fight in all possible ways to create something for my children. I was alone against everybody. I don’t have parents. I turned to the City council of Vrnjačka Banja and the president, Boban Đurović, for help, and he replied that when everything is over he would help me find a job. There were jobs available in hotels but all of them had three working shifts, which did not suit me, considering the fact that I had three children. Finding them a babysitter was no option either because all the money I earned would be spent to the cost of it - says Nataša with a trembling voice while remembering the unfortunate events back in 2019.
She also commented on her husband’s job in Alaska, pointing out that his first season was not successful at all. She explained that he had borrowed the money to get there. Her husband returned from the trip neither earning anything, nor paying back the money he had borrowed.
Her letter to Vučić:
’If you are reading this letter I have succeeded, and if my wish is fulfilled I will be the happiest woman on the world. It depends on you. I am Nataša Stanojčić, the mother of three children, Aleksandar (8), Bogdan (5) and Vanja (2). For a long time now I wish I could meet you and since this opportunity presented itself I did not want to miss it. We make a living out of children’s social help and my husband goes occasionally to Alaska to work, and his earnings depend on the season, and he has been of poor health recently. I am afraid they would not want to accept him any further. So I would like to ask you for a job. My day and night fight is for a job and my children’s better future. I have no one to help me and you are my last chance for salvation. I am 38 years old and I am capable to earn for myself and for my children, I just need a job. I would not consider any kind of help because I think that there are more people in need. If this does not work please don’t blame me. I will have to obtain a Hungarian passport because I have all the documents and I will be forced to leave the country with my family, and this is the hardest thing for me. That is exactly the reason I turn to you, to leave me here. Don’t let me go. I hope you will not remain silent to this letter because you are a decent and honorable citizen of this country. I must tell you that I will consider myself a successful mother if my children are as half as you are. Best Regards, Nataša Stanojčić’ the letter to the President of Serbia given to him on February 22nd 2019.
The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, had an announced visit to Vrnjačka Banja due to construction work all around the city. Nataša became aware of that and immediately called the president of Vrnjačka Banja, Boban Đurović, so he could confirm if that was true, and he replied that Vučić would be on the Square near the Library.
- I got up around 7.30 AM and it was really cloudy I think it was February 22nd. I knew I had to go, but I did not know how, because dragging three children in the rain was not easy. I decided to go, no matter what happened. I packed everything, I protected my daughter in the child trolley as much as I could, my sons and I were under an umbrella. It was snowing and drizzling and it was very cold. It was very crowded at the Square, and I started to make my way through the crowd so I could get to President Vučić. However it was very difficult - says Nataša, who for a moment felt that the security guard stopped her to which she only replied: ’I have to go through! Whatever it takes!’
The night before Vučić came, Nataša prepared a letter in which she had stated the situation she was in and why she needed help. She described the feeling of desperation and disappointment. She remembers that all she was thinking was that she somehow needed to get through him and deliver the letter no matter what. When the security guard saw how determined she was he said that he would help her get to the President once he finished the speech.
- In that moment I felt calm and some sort of bliss in a sense ’I am not alone anymore, at least there is the security guard’ although I have never seen him before. I was waiting for the end of the speech and when it ended I moved forward, however, the same guard told me to move to a different direction because the President would take a different route, so I went with him.
According to her words, she heard from many people that he would not even read the letter, or that he would read but he would not do anything. Her sister-in-law, who works with The Ministry of Administration, told her that President Vučić would read every letter he received, during the trip or whenever he had time, all of which gave hope to her.
- I came up to Vučić, with no intention of saying anything, and I didn't even know what to say. The only goal was to give in that letter and walk away. I saluted him because he was surrounded by a crowd of people, taking photos and asking questions. The man was torn by the crowd. I came to him, took the damp envelope, put it in his hands and said goodbye. My mission ended there. I said to myself that something had to happen. I asked president Đurović for the same thing and he told me: 'Yes, of course he will read it.' And that was all.
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