Serbia News 10:17 25.06.2022 IT WILL BE A HOT SUMMER FOR THE RUSSIANS, FOR SOME IT WILL BE THE LAST! The Americans sent a powerful weapon to Kiev, Putin also spoke out! (VIDEO)
Serbia News 09:57 14.06.2022 The head of the Ukrainian intelligence service DENIED CULPABILITY! Tried to transfer huge money and emeralds across the border, arrested at the Preševo crossing!
Serbia News 10:23 02.06.2022 Would Russia have attacked ukraine if Trump were still the president?! Zelenskyy in the hot seat, faced with a tricky question - THIS IS HOW HE ANSWERED!
Serbia News 14:16 25.05.2022 ZELENSKYY MENTIONED SARAJEVO IN 1914 AND GAVRILO PRINCIP: The words of the Ukrainian president echoed, THIS WAS HIS CENTRAL MESSAGE
Serbia News 14:36 16.04.2022 PESKOV REVEALED, KREMLIN REJECTED KYIV'S OFFER: Putin's shock decision, was this expected?!
Serbia News 12:42 11.04.2022 WAR HAS TAKEN A TOLL ON HIM! Here is what Zelenskyy looked like at the beginning of the WAR and how he looks NOW! (PHOTO)
Serbia News 12:24 23.03.2022 I AM READY FOR NEGOTIATIONS! Zelenskyy: If they fail, it will mean ONLY ONE (PHOTO)
Serbia News 12:41 22.03.2022 ZELENSKYY ISSUES THE MOST SERIOUS WARNING TO ALL OF RUSSIA: He went live in the middle of the night and said one important thing
Serbia News 14:20 20.03.2022 THEY ARE FINANCING THE WAR! Zelenskyy pointed a finger at THEM and called on Switzerland to STOP them!
Serbia News 16:37 16.03.2022 WORLD WAR THREE ON THE HORIZON?! Creepy warning: Russia is a NUCLEAR POWER, if NATO joins...
Svet 17:45 "VREME JE DA SE DOGOVORIMO" Tramp uputio Rusiji i Putinu specijalnu poruku, u njoj sadržana i ozbiljna pretnja
17:35 BEBA JE PADALA SA 9 METARA VISINE U NARUČJU MAJKE: Spasioci su naišli na jeziv prizor, svi su plakali kad su videli šta se dogodilo! (VIDEO)
Fudbal 17:32 SVE JE BILO LOŠE U ZVEZDINOJ ODBRANI OD PREKIDA: Bivši trener crveno-belih zagrmeo zbog pasivnosti kod kornera
Fudbal niže lige 17:30 POVRATAK DOBRO POZNATOG LICA: Teška povreda je prošlost, vreme je za golmanske bravure!