Serbia News 07:27 23.06.2022 PUTIN'S LOVER GOT TWO VILLAS! The President of Russia surprised his girlfriend with the help of a colleague from the NATO alliance, here is what gave them away
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Serbia News 10:18 02.03.2022 ERDOGAN PUSHES A FALSE STATE INTO NATO: We will take steps in the process of Kosovo's accession to the Alliance!
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Serbia News 08:03 04.10.2021 ERDOGAN SNAPS BIDEN! He does not hesitate in spite of sanction threats against Turkey: Nobody can tell the Turkish people what to do, not a single person!
Estrada 23:00 STALNO MU STIŽU PORUKE OBOŽAVATELJKI! Nenad Blizanac progovorio O LJUBOMORI U BRAKU, evo kako održava mir u kući!
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Politika 22:53 IZJAVE SAUČEŠĆA NAKON PALMINE SMRTI: Njegova posvećenost svom narodu bila inspiracija svima koji su ga poznavali
Politika 22:45 "DANAS JE OTIŠAO MOJ PRIJATELJ I BRAT"! Aleksandar Antić se potresnim rečima oprostio od Palme: "TVOJA DELA ĆE NAS PODSEĆATI NA TVOJU VELIČINU"!
Politika 22:36 "PREKJUČE ME JE ZVAO I DEVET MINUTA MOLIO DA STANEM NA NOGE"! Čeda Jovanović o Palmi: "Za mene nikad neće umreti"!