Serbia News 14:49 03.02.2022 THEY KNOW SOMETHING WE DON'T?! The Americans made a shocking move - EVERYTHING INDICATES THAT A GREAT EVIL IS COMING!
Serbia News 12:40 31.10.2021 BRIGADIER GENERAL TOMMASO VITALE, CHIEF OF THE NATO MILITARY LIASON OFFICE (MLO) IN BELGRADE: Strengthening Serbia-NATO relations is of direct benefit for the whole region
Serbia News 19:45 16.10.2021 Russians sent their anti-missile beats to Serbia: The Pantsir-S has arrived to our country!
Serbia News 08:49 28.09.2021 ALBANIANS DEFINITELY WANT A NEW WAR IN KOSOVO! At Jarinje, they are holding Serbian helicopters at gunpoint with their 7.62 caliber machine guns! (VIDEO)
Elita 8 20:15 OPA, EVO ZA KOJU CIFRU ULAZI U RIJALITI! Janjuš progovorio o HONORARU pa otkrio sve o LAŽNOJ VERENICI!
Fudbal 20:14 POTPUNI HAOS: Skandal kakav se ne pamti - neverovatne slike stižu iz prvenstva lažne države Kosovo! (VIDEO)
Svet 20:07 ŠOK POSLE IZBORA U NEMAČKOJ: Liderka desničara poslala NEVEROVATNO OPUŠTENU poruku Mercu i Šolcu